Chee Yi

Malaysian, gamer, photographer, software engineer, foodie.

Aug 27, 2019

I Built a PC!

People who know me know that I’m a macOS fanatic—I’ve used macOS exclusively for everything aside from gaming since 2012 when my dad first got me a MacBook Pro for...

May 18, 2019

Recent Android Dev Learnings

I’ve had the privilege recently to work on a client project that was very much like my past experience of working at Expedia—tons of engineers, an actual QA process, sprint-based...

Jun 22, 2018

CocoaPods Deployment Target Mismatch

As an iOS developer, it’s inevitable that we’ll come across a situation where we’re forced to use CocoaPods—be it trying to integrate the Google Maps SDK, Firebase and the like....

Jun 18, 2018

A Note On Data Endianness — iOS Edition

Seeing as my work often involves writing/parsing raw outgoing/incoming bytes between mobile apps and Bluetooth firmware, one would think I’d be well-versed in data endianness by now. Well, today I...

Jun 13, 2018

Hello World!

In accordance with the tradition of our people, I find it fitting to name the first blog post “Hello World”. func createNewBlog() { print("Hello World") } This blog is open...

This project is maintained by cheeyi